How do I recover bookings made while signed out?

You don’t need to be signed in to an account to buy tickets on Railboard; you can checkout as a guest. But if you later create an account and want to add guest bookings you’ve previously made to it, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the side menu.
  2. Go to the Account screen.
  3. Tap on the ‘Recover guest bookings’ option
  4. Then tap the ‘Recover guest bookings’ button.

After it’s finished processing, your guest bookings will have been added to your account, and you will be able to see them in the My tickets tab.

Screenshots showing how to open the side menu, navigate to the Account screen and select the “Recover guest bookings” option.
How to recover your guest bookings.

Note that to recover them, your guest bookings must have been made with the same email address as your account.

Updated on 3 August 2023
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