How do I save a route?

There are three ways you can save a route.

A button at the bottom

If you scroll down to the bottom of the results, you will find a ‘Save Route’ button.

Screenshots showing the "Save Route" buttons at the bottom of the results.

Tapping on the info box

If you tap on the info box at the top of the results, it will bring up a menu with an option to save the route.

Screenshots showing how to save a route by tapping on the info box at the top of the results.

Dragging open a Save button

And from the Routes tab, if you drag from left to right on a recent route, it will reveal a Save button.

Screenshots showing the save button in a row on the Routes tab.

The delete button

Conversely, if you drag from right to left on a recent route, it will reveal a Delete button to remove that route from your recent routes.

Updated on 16 October 2023
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