How do I find routes with Split Tickets available?

To find routes with Split Tickets available, you just need to make sure they’re turned on and then look for the Split Tickets icon to see how much you can save for each journey.

The Split Tickets checkbox

When using the Planner, ensure the ‘Include Split Tickets’ checkbox is checked, then look for the Split Tickets icon in the results.

Screenshot showing where to turn on Show Split Tickets.
The checkbox for turning on seeing Split Tickets in the results.

The Split Tickets icon

If present, the Split Tickets icon shows the possible Split Tickets savings for that journey.

Screenshots showing the Split Tickets icon in the results and ticket options.
The Split Tickets icon, showing you how much you can save.

Tips for finding the journeys with the best savings

Generally, the best savings can be found for journeys around the times of day when the Peak window changes to Off-Peak and vice versa, and for routes on trains from multiple train operating companies.

Updated on 16 October 2023
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